
I wanted to create a simple 3 room 2D game based on space travel. The alien travels through the universe via portals searching for stars to collect. While entering each galaxy an alien changes its form. Use arrow or WASD keys to move. The alien has only one life, so be careful of planet explosions. 


  • First, I drew a small storyboard with each level and UI screens. Then I created 2D scenes in Unity with basic shapes we learned in class. Then I modified some pixel images of aliens and stars I owned before (while working on another project). I replaced basic shapes with pixel sprites and simple 2-3 frame animations. Lastly, the sound and music on the background are free attributions on the YouTube sound library.  
  • The things that went right were overall scenes and transitions between them. 
  • The wrong thing I didn’t solve is continuous music. When you end playing and start over music is not playing from the start, it continues playing and overlaying the same track. I used DontDestroyOnLoad for music, but couldn’t stop it for the new load game. 
  • I also found that I probably made mistakes when creating the C#script, because I created most of the interactions between player, objects, and scenes in only one document, while I guess, there should be each script for each action. 
  • I learned how to use code for collecting and destroying objects/players and how to assign sound effects for them. Also, scene transitions with delay and UI in Unity. 
  • If I continue working on this assignment I would add much more levels and complexity for them. Also, create more graphics and movement along with the sound. I also should include UI score counts or an overlaying menu to track progress and there should be more lives for aliens so they won’t destroy immediately. And fix the background music overlay. 

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Feb 14, 2021

Get Space explorer

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